Tuesday, June 29, 2010


What must befall me?
must I jump?
I've stood too long
feet sore
wings aching from non-use
eyes dart, a million stars surround me
and I'm overwhelmed in lucidity.
a taste of fine grapes
and a message hardly legible
made of leaves in the wind
moments later no more than a pile.
but by then it is no longer a secret
her smile is obvious as she kisses me
softly as the breeze
on midsummer's day.

Saturday, June 26, 2010


my violet
why do you boast so?
show yourself so, to be so admired?
are you not tired of forgotten promises?
my little violet
why do you wilt
when the sun hides its rays
or when I whisper into your mind?
my little violet
why do you insist on beauty,
on brilliance and color
why do you watch irises
why do you smile bright for the newborn sun?
why are you so meek
so bashful of a faded petal
when I am colorblind?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Floating World III

synapses frozen
light between the mountaintops
cascades on our lunch