Thursday, October 29, 2009

Back in Bold

Am I so bold
do I dare accept fate
deceitful in my findings
earnest in my intentions
the sweet ring of your laugh
in the music I obsess over
would I ruin this album if I wrote your name
on the front, in black ink, or in tears.
would you really accept that I didn't know.
would I really, eyes glazed, cheeks wet
heart fluttered, slip into your life again.
you may find me writhing and wriggling
into escape, a hare in the clutches of an unsure captor.
but also, you may find me, the perfect wine on your lips,
the perfect breeze in your hair,
the perfect sun on your face,
the perfect meadow for you to lay,
the perfect petal against your cheek,
the perfect stream running through your toes,
your eden.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Duce de leite.

perchance I fall
a muse has swept me
fluttered, reddened, crunched
a pile of leaves by the curb
I sit, mind open to the soul
can you impart on me something
an explanation of serendipity
why does every step find my foot
caught in sweet, sticky caramel.
i'm not able to escape the ever-presence.
I scour rhetoric for clues
John Nash unleashed on internet blogs
but care only for the messages
given in soft speech, erstwhile glances
and repetition.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

O que é mais doce

pancakes with a hint of vanilla and cinnamon
a mojito or some other minted gin
strawberry lipgloss that sealed my fate
an odor of brilliant sex
a patch of flowers in antartica
burnt skin and soaked brow
a wind swept day at the beach
morning breath
the smell of coconut in your hair
downy freshness
one glass of orange juice and one of milk
a night in your arms
10 million million nightlights
the amethyst necklace your grandmother gave you
a bottle of white wine
my heart in a black box

Monday, October 19, 2009


the crack of a whip
and a long road
winding past couples in conversation
willows and wooden benches
enamored by the sounds
of your voice
by the sea salted swish
swish, swish
long brown mane
porcelain white skin
your accent is foreign
to the words you speak
but your sound is a lullaby
as I lay in the arms of your words

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Silence kept and tongues are still
for a polygot you're quite mute.
does my loquaciousness upset you?
are you tired
you've never tried and still I find you
surrounded by a school of swimmers
and sometimes,
by a glow,
morning sunrise reflected off the slick road.
in a fit of self understanding
I've known to cling,
a firm velcro to the thoughts I'd entertained.
a fortnight of silence
and your ears are burnt.
do you dare or are you tired.
a gray cat steps across a canyon
leaps across a crevice
glides along the breeze.
as you watch him sail
are you tongue tied
or are you tired?

Friday, October 9, 2009


Plumed, are you more alluring?
Sweet honeysuckle I thought I'd known
yellow petaled, at times, also, white
I'd grown accustomed to the rhythm of your sight
but know not what to make of a newness.
That you revealed to me, unwillingly,
unknowingly. An apple falls much faster
when it is not avoiding impact
unsuccessfully, leaving a soft thud
a reminder of the time of year.
We're merely visiting the orchard
knowing full well the full price of its fruit.
I'll not stay if you wish me not to
and you'll not if I also wish to be alone
but eventually we'll find ourselves here
with dew moistened brows
sun-flecked skin
and the ringing in our ears from the chimes
and soft glow of a tangerine sunrise.