Am I so bold
do I dare accept fate
deceitful in my findings
earnest in my intentions
the sweet ring of your laugh
in the music I obsess over
would I ruin this album if I wrote your name
on the front, in black ink, or in tears.
would you really accept that I didn't know.
would I really, eyes glazed, cheeks wet
heart fluttered, slip into your life again.
you may find me writhing and wriggling
into escape, a hare in the clutches of an unsure captor.
but also, you may find me, the perfect wine on your lips,
the perfect breeze in your hair,
the perfect sun on your face,
the perfect meadow for you to lay,
the perfect petal against your cheek,
the perfect stream running through your toes,
your eden.
Bot Without My Daughter
1 day ago